Chocolate Cassava Brownies Cashew Nuts
kukis singkong coklat mete cassava-based pastry products with a mixture of spices and cashew nuts make the product that has a unique and distinctive taste from the city of Wonogiri. cassava brownies Cashew chocolate cassava cookies is our new product to meet consumer needs and market demands for broader marketing. new standing pouch packaging Net 100 grams expires up to 10 months. Roti Gaplek Wonogiri dengan kualitas yang tidak di ragukan lagi. Rasa Coklat Mete ,Netto 100 gram Cashew chocolate cassava cookies *Coklat Mete* Komposisi: Tepung Mocaf, Kacang Mete, Coklat Bubuk, Gula Pasir, Baking Powder, Butter dan Garam *Cashew Chocolate* Ingredients : Mocaf Flour, Cashew Nuts, Chocolate Powder, Granulated Sugar, Baking Powder, Butter and Salt. ROTI GAPLEK WONOGIRI Diproduksi Oleh MUTIARA PRIMA Sabuk Rt 07 Rw 04 Gunung Sari Kec. Jatisrono , Kab. Wonogiri Jawa Tengah Indonesia kode pos 57691